COVID-19 has effected everyone throughout the world and sadly this pandemic is still on-going. As Ireland’s premier dance educator we take our responsibilities to our students, faculty, guest teachers and the wider community very seriously. This includes the safe management and our response to COVID-19. The College of Dance’s Board of Directors, Artistic Directors and St. Catherine’s have been working hard to ensure that we can reopen our doors as soon as possible and create a safe environment for everyone.
The College of Dance is committed to ensuring that we follow government guidelines, COVID-19 safety procedures and staying up-to-date with the latest recommendations. All of our faculty, and guest teachers, have completed a COVID-19 compliance course and the College of Dance has two designated COVID-19 Compliance Officers. Furthermore, as the College of Dance is housed in St. Catherine’s Community Sports Centre, a Dublin City Council building, everyone can be assured that the response to COVID-19 has been thorough.
This page of the website outlines the College of Dance’s current COVID-19 operating procedures.

The College of Dance is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our students and faculty. Our COVID-19 response plan is our commitment to reducing the spread of the virus. All teachers and students are responsible for the implementation of this plan and a combined effort is required from all.
We will continue to monitor our COVID-19 response and amend the plan as required based on up-to-date information from the HSE and Dublin City Council. We will ensure that our faculty and students are notified of any policy updates.
Throughout St. Catherines Community Sport Centre information wil be displayed on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and correct hand-washing techniques. The Centre has intensified cleaning in line with government advice and hand sanitiser will be available. We have also adapted the studio to facilitate physical distancing.
Every member of the College of Dance faculty has completed COVID-19 compliance courses. The College has two COVID-19 officers who are there to manage and monitor our response. The faculty and students will recieve detailed induction training covering essential hygiene and respiratory etiquette plus physical distancing requirements.
The College of Dance has also developed a procedure in the unlikely event of someone showing symptoms of COVID-19. We will be keeping a contact log to help with contact tracing.
COLLEGE COVID-19 CONTRACTS: Every College student and faculty member must read and complete the College’s COVID-19 contract. This document sets out the College of Dance’s COVID-19 code of conduct and must be completed before return to the College. This document can be downloaded from HERE
DESIGNATED ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: The College has a set procedure when entering and exiting St. Catherines Community Sports Centre. Details of this will be issued to each student and faculty member. This procedure must be followed at all times.
DAILY TEMPERATURE CHECKS: Everyone attending the College of Dance, including all teachers and students, will have their temperatures checked each morning. The results of the temperature checks will be recorded. Any student or faculty member with a temperature of 38c or above will be sent home.
SOCIAL DISTANCE: Every student and faculty member must keep a minimum distance of two metres away from anyone else. Social distancing must be maintained not only during class but at all times.
PERSONAL HYGIENE: All students and faculty members should wash and sanitise their hands immediately before and after each class. While hand sanitiser will be available in St. Catherines Community Sport Centre we recommend that you should bring you own supply.
Click on the button below to see the College’s complete COVID-19 policy
In line with both the College of Dance’s COVID-19 policy and the recommendations from St. Catherines Community Sports Centre for the foreseeable future, we have suspended allowing visitors to attend the College. For the parents and guardians of existing or prospective students, if you need to speak to either of the Artistic Directors then this can be done by phone or by booking an online meeting. If you would like to speak to the College Administrator then she can be contacted on 086 803 9739 or by email
The College of Dance has also made the decision to temporarily suspend allowing College graduates to attend drop in classes. While we appreciate this is a disappointment to those that use this service, it is necesary for the well-being of our current students and faculty.
If you have any questions about the College of Dance or our COVID-19 policies then please do not hesiate to contact us.

Does the College of Dance have a COVID-19 Policy
Yes we do. The complete COVID-19 policy can be found HERE
Does the College of Dance have a COVID-19 Awareness & Compliance Officer?
The College of Dance has two COVID-19 Compliance Officers which are the two Artistic Directors. Furthermore all faculty members have completed a COVID-19 compliance course.
What should I do if I have questions about the College of Dance & the COVID-19 Policy
Learn more about our fantastic Easter Intensive Dance course
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